I'm not a graphic designer, and I really wish I knew my way around Photoshop and Illustrator. Instead, I sketch stuff and ask designers to sort my ideas out for me. Sometimes it's a magazine feature layout I have a particular idea for, or a T-shirt, or, in this case, the skate decks we've been making.
The idea of Sideburn skate decks came from Paul Hartman. His Racewear and Triumph hooligan were featured in Sideburn 38. He works for a skateboard manufacturer in Southern California. He said if Sideburn ever wanted one producing to let him know. Do you know what, yes, I do.
In the end we had the boards screen printed, in the UK, at a place Dave Skooter Farm had found for us (Dave's underground skate & BMX credentials are strong - check out his backyard pool). It made more sense for them to be made in the UK, because this is where we send everything form.
I did the cut and paste above and contacted Ryan Quickfall to make a very pop art interpretation of it. We had no idea how they'd go but they keep selling. At £65 they're in the middle of skate deck prices, but not for a limited edition screen printed one. For a limited edition, screen printed piece of Ryan Quickfall art they're cheap. We're on the fourth in the series. The previous three have sold out. Ryan had the idea of making the graphics into T-shirts so we did that. They're screenprinted inthe UK (by a different firm) on 100% organic, fair wear shirts.
I will try master Photoshop soon.
Order from Sideburn's Skate Deck Series

Order from Sideburn's Skate Deck Series
As one of the most iconic mobile games, Subway Surfers provided players with exhilarating chases through colorful subway tunnels, pushing reflexes to the limit.