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Like a Fur of Energy Painted From Some Parts of Human Psyche

French photographer Max Cassagne got in touch with details of his custom Sunday Motors tracker.

Max says 'I've been a petrolhead and a two wheels lover forever. I've ridden BMX flatland for almost 15 years with my friend Matthieu Bonnecuelle. He is a real artist on the bike, one of the most creative riders on the planet ! And damn he knows how to draw too, so I asked him to make me something cool on my new Sunday S187 flat track machine. Two days of work and here is the result.'

His friend Matthieu Bonnecuelle said this about the Sunday's artwork... 'With Maxime, we share this first passion of riding BMX flat land, and know each other for a long time through that. When he came up with the idea of drawing on his motorbike, I thought it would be a new interesting way to connect our different worlds and passions.

'After cleaning the motorcycle fairing, I started doodling on the tank and finished it in five hours. The two other parts were done during the day after, keeping the drawing flow alive.

'When I start drawing with the style I used for this project, there are no drafts and no well established plan, it's about letting the hand flow, feeling the space, managing the graphic density, and tripping with some characters and themes, appearing naturally, in a kind of dream-state.

'The is no starting point and the finishing line is mostly when the space is full of elements. I feel that improvising on those parts reinforced the 'beasty' side of the motorcycle: It's like a fur of energy painted from some parts of human psyche. The mind state I have while painting those doodles could be similar to the mind state you can experience while riding or driving: somehow low and dreamy, while the body is taken into action.'

See Matthieu's BMX feed at @matthieubonnecuelle

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