One of the dream race bikes in Sideburn 40 is Hookie Co's 1967 Triumph T100R.
German firm Hookie Co are better known for their transformative bolt-on bodykits for modern bikes, but they don't limit themselves to just that. As you can see, the Triumph twin has great poise. Other than being in SB40, there is another link to Sideburn. Hookie explain that they found the basis to the bike on this very blog. It was one of the many flat track bikes reader Kev H feeds our way and we repost. That's it below, from a blog posted on 26 Nov 2018. We had some reservations about the advert, and buying a 50-year-old race bike is never going to be trouble-free, as Niko from Hookie Co discovered.
Read about the transformation in Sideburn 40.

Single saddles and p pads are Go! So is this bike 👌🏼🏁❤️