World renowned artist, Death Spray Custom (AKA David Gwyther - above) has launched a new venture, HOT PARTS. It's a mixture of hard parts, painted artworks, customised bicycle parts and merchandise that is inspired by many of the same themes as his artwork - but primarily 1980s and 90s motorsport and skating. We asked a few questions to get the back story. Gary Inman

I'm guessing the launch of HOT PARTS is to scratch an itch for creating merch without diluting your standing as a gallery-featured artist. Am I right? If so, what else is it?
HOT PARTS is actually the name I've given to part of my business that's involved in fabrication of physical items.
My large canvas style paintings are painted on fibreglass panels that I spec. Traditional acrylic or oil painters would use a stretched canvas, I have a sort of equivalent but in fibreglass.
Here are some images of painting on fiberglass canvases & parts

Also, sculptural items including Japanese Darumas and 3D hexagonal ouija boards (below).

With kevlar, we have made moulds and parts for my Metisse race bike, MX fenders, also carbon Tracy body chopper seat and tank units as well as full kevlar skate deck.
Next up is an overhead lighting unit that you would see in old F1 pits that you can have power outlets and air lines off.

HOT PARTS carbon one-piece Harley body
If you had to sum up HP in one snappy line, what is it?
HOT PARTS Warm Heart.

HOT PARTS blanket
Three part question. A. Is this the end of DSC merch?
No it's something different. I like proper blue collar, no-nonsense workwear and manufacturing brands, it's something like that. It's aesthetic is under designed, basic graphic design 101 uncool.
It's more about the parts fabrication, tees and hats are a bonus.
B. If not, is there a hard boundary between the two?
I put my DSC merch out under the moniker Underworld Champions as a way of separating it from artwork. Much in the way bigger artists create a separate studio or brand to do so.
C. If not, is there a risk it's going to get muddled?
Probably, however I don't operate anything at a scale that it really matters. It's about the hardware first, merch is a bonus but is somewhat easier to do
Can you share any of the HP master plan with us? Is there a dream scenario?
No plan, I just enjoy the process of making niche brands that no one will hear of.
Have you set a timetable for releases?
No. Dreamer seeks businessperson for interesting alliance.

HOT PARTS carbon Ford RS bonnet (hood). As niche as it gets
If HOT PARTS was one of the following, what would it specifically be:
A. Motorcycle
Yamaha GTS 1000
B. Car
Transit Mk2
C. Sportsperson
Daley Thompson
D. Skater
Lance Mountain
E. Bicycle
Rikisya Tank
F. Pro cyclist (any discipline)
Graham Obree (below)

The Eastern script you use on some of the merch is Korean, what does it say and why choose that language?
It says HOT PARTS. At the launch for the Type 7 Ikuzawa Porsche book a store assistant thought I was taking photos of the FENDI display. I said, Oh no, I was just showing my friend some pictures on my phone, of curries, Japanese curries. She said HOT PARTS? Your hat says HOT PARTS in Korean, it was the first time I had it spell checked.
The Korean script is refreshing and the Korean industrial complex is strong right now so it's a good time to faux align with a pseudo-industrial company.

HOT PARTS Lancer Evo rally light pod
There are so many companies out there selling T-shirts and stuff, why bother, when you can make the art that you make?
It takes seconds to make compared to the days paintings take.

HOT PARTS Kevlar skate deck
The merch is really affordable, below the likes of Deus and Period Correct RRP and way below the likes of Neighborhood. Why did you choose that price point?
It's supposed to be average quality, blue collar, accessible stuff. It's printed on demand also which takes a lot of the waste from the process.
Can you see a day when HOT PARTS collab with someone? If so, who and in what way would you like it to go?
No I doubt it. I would like to collaborate with Milwaukee, MAC, Bahco, DYSON, Birkenstock, KALEX.
Complete this sentiment, the world needs another T-shirt and cap brand like...
The world needs a celeb podcast.
Oh Man... Please make a HOT PARTS/BAHCO Knisel