Off-Topic Sunday from occasional correspondent, Serge Fabergè
Having had time of late to philosophise, one has become enamoured of the concept of alternate universes. Perhaps where Cezetas and Piaggo Apes are the green alternative rather than a gauche Tesla, where perhaps Audrey Tatou's opinion is revered rather than that of someone selling crystals and genital-scented candles, and where the Beatles were this much fun. The suits, the extra members including a female vocalist (especially one in a slinky silver dress), the mad shimmying and of course the synchronised dancing. And if in this same universe Little Richard and Tav Falco were blended into one drummer, it would be one I could love in.
Serge Fabergè
Thanks Serge. Seeing Ted Lyons and His Cubs on the bass drum reminded me we had a bit of a 60s Bollywood thing going on in the days of the old Sideburn blog. GI