The DTRA season launch has become a fixture on the UK flat track calendar. It's always held in London, originally at Bolt, more recently at the Bike Shed's arch 3, and it's always been popular. On the surface, it's an unusual idea. Most race clubs have end of year presentation events, not pre-season launches, but it really works and is a good way to get racers, sponsors, supporters and staff together (all pictured in one snap above, with DTRA bossman mouthing off on the big screen) and fired up for the racing. Here are some photos I took at the launch.

Jason has had more bikes featured in Sideburn that any other person. This is his latest and will be in a future issue. It's an XLR900 with all the right bits and bobs.

Jason's customised tyre... We're going to offer kits to customise your own 19-inchers soon. The wheel is a very rare 8-spoke Performance Machine alloy.

Jason also brought this wonderful Norton. More on this later in the post.

Wilbur, who wrote a feature for Sideburn 35, brought his Lazer-framed Honda

The Greenfield Dirt Track team were in full effect, from mini bikes to pro-class racers.

Krazy Horse have become great supporters of the UK series. This is Lee Kirkpatrick's hooligan. Lee is one KH's mechanics and a heck of a racer. He will be back for the 2019 Hooligan series.

Lee will also race this Zaeta DT in the Pro/Inters class.

World renowned custom builder, Charlie Stockwell has built this stunning Sportster Hooligan to jump into the UK race series for the first time.

Brink Sr and Junior, plus Sideburn goggles.

On the espresso martinis! Guy, Jeff, Geoff and Jonas (who came all the way from Barcelona for the day, just for this event!)

Jacek and his cool Rebels race jacket.

James 'Leftie' Smith and his redesigned Hooligan Sportster with S&S pipes and self-made carbon-fibre bodywork.

That Norton we mentioned previously, well, Fiete from Germany bought it...

Impulse purchase = Happy man
To Fiete's left is Paul Harrison, long-time UK racer and now busy fettling, repairing and improving many of the UK Vintage flat track race bikes.

John from E-Volve Motorcycles and their 2019 Honda CRF450. John has sponsored Toby Hales and Jordan Miller for the last few seasons. Toby won the 2018 title on the E-Volve Husqvarna, but has moved to the Greenfield Kawasaki team for 2019. The 2018 Hooligan champ Gary Birtwistle will ride this Honda in the pro class and will be a title threat.

Brink with his Noise Cycles XG750 hooligan, that we featured in SB29. It now has a Co-Built pipe. He rode it home from the Bike Shed...

Leah and her Krazy Horse Scout Hooligan.

Very happy with her Sideburn Hooligan with Pigtails shirt.

Ross, one of the Bike Shed's key staff, unveiled his Wasp MT-07. See a full post on it here - Wasp Yamaha MT-07.
Thanks to the Bike Shed for hosting the event.
Thanks to Indian Motorcycle for supporting the UK amateur race series.

The new season starts in less than two weeks, at King's Lynn. The UK scene has grown to such an extent that all races are now two-dayers.
Poster art: Ryan Quickfall

#BikeShed #HarleyDavidson #London #DTRA #DTRA2019 #PerformanceMachine #WilburSkipp #Sideburn35 #Lazerframes #Honda #Zaeta #KrazyHorse #Sportster #Hooligan #DTRAHooligan #AdamBrinkworth #RebelsAlliance #JamesSmith #SSCycles #TobyHales #GaryBirtwistle #NoiseCycles #CoBuilt #NoiseCycle #Waspframes #Yamaha #RyanQuickfall #Indian #LeahTokelove #Greenfield #Megapost