Riots produce some of the greatest images. whether you agree with the sentiments the protesters are voicing on any particular march is a moot point, because riots are pure 'us' against 'them' (again, it doesn't matter if you're an us or them on that particular day). Us: David, under-prepared, amped-up on indignant rage. Them: The Man, Goliath, kitted up at the tax payers' expense, pent-up rage swinging a night stick.
This striking image, by Federico Parra/AFP, was taken in Caracas, Venezuela during an anti-government protest in the increasingly economically crippled country. Keeping it light, what struck me at first was the helmet. I do love a bit of motorcycle/sportswear reappropriated as riot gear.
This helmet is an AGV from 2008/9. The design is called My House or Valentino's House and this open face is based on the design Rossi wore at Misano in 2008. It's not my favourite Rossi design, but it's still a good choice for riot juxtaposition as it features very childlike images of Valentino's house with a kennel in the yard for his bulldog, Guido (who went to the big kennel in the sky at the end of 2008). To see it teamed with a makeshift gas mask is an interesting look that Aldo Drudi probably didn't envisage.
After clocking the helmet I looked at the woman wearing it. About to launch that rock, as taut as a cocked crossbow, she has the physique of a Olympian. Look at those thighs!
Yep, riots make the best photos.